On the Right of Preemption and Its Exercises; This guarantee is valid only when accompanied by dated proof of purchase. 论不动产优先购买权的确立基础及其有效行使该保修卡只有在附上标明购买日期的购货单方可生效。
The Right of Preemption In The Auction Process 拍卖过程中优先购买权问题探讨
On the Effect Against a Third Person of the Law-authorizing Right of Preemption of the Lessee 法定房屋承租人先买权对第三人效力之分析
In order to balance the effective use of resources and the remedy of secure interest, the Right of Preemption Ordinance's lying in the part of jus in person is preferable. 为解决资源的有效利用与安全利益的维护之间的矛盾,优先购买权更适合规定在债权篇,而不是物权篇中。
On The System of Realty Right of Preemption in Ancient China 中国古代不动产优先购买权制度研究
House property right of preemption is a right of a certain party's purchasing seller's house property prior to others according to laws and regulations under the same conditions in the course of house property trading. 房产优先购买权是特定主体在房产交易过程中,在同等条件下依照法律、法规的规定享有优先于其他人购买出卖人房产的权利。
The Right of Preemption Ordinance can run price risk and promote the effective use of resources through economic analysis approach. 用经济分析的方法考察优先购买权制度,可以看到,它可以规避价格风险和促进资源的有效利用。
Partial option to purchase refers to the right of preemption for shareholders to purchase part of the shares transferred by the limited-liability company. 部分行使股权优先购买权是指有限责任公司股东在转让股份时,其他股东希望只优先购买被转让股份中的一部分。
The right of preemption is a kind of expectant right, which base on and come into being when the primary relation setup. 优先购买权是一种期待权,始于基础关系成立之时。
The regulations of the right of preemption are quite scattered in our current laws, it has stipulated the chapters of the priority in the Property Law of China, but it has been deleted, because of its legal character in big dispute. 我国现行法律有关优先购买权的规定较为分散,《物权法》(草案)中曾专章规定了优先权,但是因为对其法律性质存在较大争议而被删除。
The right of preemption is an important right in the Civil Law, there are many regulations in the Continental Law System Countries. 优先购买权作为民商法上的一项重要权利,大陆法系国家民法对其多有规定。
The right of preemption of lessee, the preemptive right of the lessee. It broke the Civil Equality the principle of empowerment, as a kind of civil privilege. 我国的承租人优先购买权特指房屋承租人优先购买权,它打破了民法平等赋权的原则,表现为一种民事特权。
The right of Preemption of the lease holder is limited to the Preemption of the House Lease holder. 我国承租人优先购买权仅限于房屋承租人的优先购买权。
The right of preemption of the lessee is a privilege granted to the lessee by the law, which ensures that the lessee has the right of first refusal under the same conditions where the lessor is to transfer the premises under a lease within the lease term. 承租人的优先购买权是法律赋予承租人的一项特权,在租赁关系存续期间内,保护承租人在出租人出卖房屋时,有权以同等条件优先购买该房屋。
Next, analyzes two different viewpoints in the academic circle about the effect of the right of preemption which respectively are the creditor right effect and the real right effect. 其次,分析了我国学术界对于承租人优先购买权具有何种效力的两种不同观点,分别是债权效力说和物权效力说。
The article first analyzed the legal nature of the right of preemption of housing lessee. 文章首先分析了房屋承租人优先购买权的性质。
On the lessee priority when established, how to exercise and so on are discussed, in order to help make better use of the right of judicial practitioners. Finally, it is Housing Lessee preemption system conflict processing mechanism. 在这部分中笔者对承租人优先权何时成立,如何行使等问题都做了详细探讨,以帮助司法实践者更好地运用此权利。第四部分是房屋承租人优先购买权制度的冲突处理机制。
This part starts with the discussion about the nature of the preemption right of the part owner, confirms that the preemption right of the part owner is one right of formation. This will do better for implementing the objective of the preemptive right system. 这一部分从讨论共有人优先购买权的性质入手,肯定了共有人优先购买权属于形成权更契合该法律制度设立的目的。
Finally, the article discusses the deadline to exercise the right of preemption. 最后,讨论了承租人优先购买权的行使期限。
Although the revised company law of our country has improved the shareholders 'right of preemption system, there still exist mangy problems in the application. 虽然我国新公司法对有限责任公司股东优先购买权制度进行了一定的完善,但在适用中仍存在许多问题。
Other shareholders 'exercising the right of preemption will force the parties to transfer side effect of the share transfer. 其他股东行使优先购买权将与转让方形成强制缔约股权转让合同的效力。
The internal validity of the preemption right of the part owner means the rights and obligations of the seller and the preemption claimant what formulate in the legal system. 所谓共有人优先购买权的对内效力,是指依据法律规定,在共有关系中,出卖人与优先购买权人所拥有的权利和承担的义务。
We focus on the consent right of external share transfer and the preemption of shareholders. 其中重点讨论股权外部转让的同意制度和股东优先购买权制度。
The right of preemption is one legal right based on specific primary relationship, which was developed from the right of redemption in Roman Law. 优先购买权是一种法定权利,最早起源于罗马法中的赎回权。
Secondly, it discusses the nature of contract without the consent of other shareholders or infringement of other shareholders 'right of preemption. 其次,论述未经其他股东同意以及侵犯其他股东优先购买权的合同性质。
In this part, the article firstly introduces the disputes of the effect of the right of preemption which mainly upon the effect of real right and the effect of creditor right. The standard to differentiate these is to see whether it can resist anther person or not. 这部分,首先介绍了优先购买权的效力之争,主要围绕在债权效力和物权效力上,区分的标准是能否对抗第三人。